I have substantive experience developing and teaching a wide variety of modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate level including Applied Economics, Environmental Economics, Environmental Valuation, Resource Economics and Research Methods. Here at Leeds I currently teach a second year Research Methods module and contribute to a first year Economic Controversies module. In addition to teaching I also supervise a significant number of PhD candidates working on a diverse range of topics worldwide (see below for more details).
Some lectures/presentations on various topics
Feel free to use but please get in touch if you have any material that will fit with overall style and content - particularly interested in graphs/pictures that can be used to explain key points
Research Methods
Correlation, causation and confusion
An introduction to multivariate regression analysis
Instrumental variable analysis
Survey design and data collection
Errors in statistical reasoning and judgement biases
Environmental Economics
Public goods and common property resources
Economic instruments for pollution control
Non-renewable resource allocation over time
Efficiency, equity and sustainable development
Introduction to non-market valuation
Economic of Happiness/Behavioral economics
An introduction to the economics of happiness
Subjective well-being and the environment
An introduction to behavioral economics
PhD Students
Rushi Chen (co-supervisor with Effie Kesidou): The causal impact of ETS in China
Dave Roberts (co-supervisor with Christopher Forde and Rachel Mathieson): Well-being and workplace culture
Youxing Wang (co-supervisor with Clemens Hetschko): Essays on the economics of happiness
Bodour Alhumaid, (co-supervisor with Clemens Hetschko): Unemployment and well-being in developing countries
Xiaowen Wang (co-supervisor with Murray Rudd): Pharmaceuticals and Personal care Products in the Environment in China. Completed September 2016.
Eric Marr (sole supervisor): Food Production or Biodiversity Protection? Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowship. Completed April 2019
Jennifer Chapman (co-supervisor with Alistair Boxall): Assessment of socio-economic and ecological impacts of veterinary drugs in the environment. Funded by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Completed May 2019
Sarah Knight (co-supervised with Colin McClean): Environmental amenities and well-being. Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.
Fari Aftab (co-supervisor with David Spencer and Julianne Scheffel): The economic and social integration of migrants in the UK. Funded by the ESRC. Completed September 2022